Wisprout Life - Coaching & More...
Wisprout Life - Coaching & More...
I hear a lot about Life Coaching. What exactly is Life Coaching?
As there are people and they have aspirations and they want to be Happy, they would look for ways to do so. When they do not find the ways to make progress or get stuck, they need a different perspective which is non-judgmental, unbiased and different. Life Coaching is all about looking at life from perspectives you would not have thought of before, which eventually helps to dissolve the mental and physical barriers. Life Coaching helps create enormous understanding of the self, others and the world around you, thus changing the very equations for your life.
You have mentioned that there is no definite result for Spiritual Coaching; why would I do it then?
We live in a world of transactions; therefore, it is natural for us to decide on the outcome for all events. However, setting up a goal for spiritual coaching will curtail its limitlessness. We are trying to create new experiences, and if they are burdened by pre-determined expectations, our experiences would be limited. With Spiritual Coaching path itself is the goal, and there is nothing at the end of it.
What do we do during Spiritual Coaching? Is there any model?
The process is about exploring the self without any limitations to uncover what we already have, our true nature. There is no specific model as everything evolves In the Moment. Focus during the session is entirely on seeing beyond the obvious and what one sees is their unique experience.
What work does a Life Coach do?
Life Coach is more of a conversationalist who helps to identify the patterns in a person’s behavior which may not be serving the client or may be holding him/her back. Focus is on looking at Life from a positivity rather than concentrating on the problems. A wound cannot be healed by constantly poking into it. Most of the time a Life Coach may not get into the details of the problem but looks to see why a certain situation is a problem for the client. Coaching also includes setting outcomes, creating action plans and following up on them.
What areas does a Life Coach cover?
Any area that a client is stuck in or wants to make progress in. It could be career, relationship, happiness, attitude, success, balance and many others. A coaching relationship may start with an issue or an area in mind but the change happens to the person as a whole.
Can a Life Coach solve all my problems?
No, Life Coach will not solve any of your problems. However, during and after the coaching relationship you would be in a position to solve your own problems. This means you move to the position of empowerment.
There are so many kinds of coaches which one do I go to?
There could be different kind of coaches listed along with the niche areas they are experts in. Remember all your life areas are intricately linked and change in one area will lead to an impact in other areas as well. Nothing can be addressed in isolation about your life.